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Feeling pain in the stomach or possibly nausea as you eat? What about acne or redness on your face? All these symptoms can be classed as digestive. But whereabouts in your digestive tract is the problem happening? Skin mapping along with looking at different symptoms and triggers can help figure out where the digestive problem is.....

You will be surprised to know that the "go to" digestive self diagnosis seems to always be Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS as that is the most well known issue and now there is another one that is being highlighted... Leaky Gut! But there are so many more such as Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), H. Pylori, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Celiac Disease, Crohn's Disease, Constipation or Diarrhea and more. And when you look at the skin, all you see is redness or broken capillaries which you think could be sun damage or hereditary but think again... look deeper to treat the source.

The best way to start to understanding the problem is by looking at symptoms. How long after eating and what symptoms do you get? What is happening on your face? What can you see in each region of the face? For example : You get heart burn straight after eating - this could be acid reflux and to look further, there is broken blood vessels to the side of your nose. The reason for this is to understand the process of the food digestion and how long it takes to get to each part of the tract as well as understanding skin mapping.

Starting from the esophagus, here is an outline of some digestive issues as you go down the system.


Acid Reflux can occur when your stomach acid "spills" back into your esophagus causing a heartburn sensation. Eating large meals or drinking while eating, snacks to close to bedtime, certain foods such as citrus, tomato, chocolate, spicy foods, smoking, pregnancy and medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen or blood pressure medications can cause symptoms.

Common digestive symptoms are :

  • Heartburn

  • Sour taste in mouth

  • Sore throat

Osmosis Beauty Skin Mapping : Skin: blood vessels around the base of the nose show acid reflux can be present. Sometimes you don't feel the heartburn as it can present with nausea.

Treatment with foods : Looking at reducing spicy foods, alcohol, preservative and sugars. Have more whole grains such as oatmeal, couscous and brown rice, root vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots and beets, Green vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli and green beans.

Osmosis Holistic Wellness Protocol : Digestive Support ; Ageless Vitality Elixir; Immune Activator


Increasing over the years H. Pylori (Helicobacter Pylori) is more and more common. It is a bacteria that attacks the lining of your stomach and first part of your small intestine causing inflammation and pain. Eating foods that aren't cleaned (ie raw foods), not cooking foods in a safe way, unclean utensils, water and saliva are some ways researchers are finding to be the cause.

Common digestive symptoms are:

  • Nausea straight after eating

  • Dull pain that doesn't go away

  • Burping, vomiting, not hungry

Treatment with foods : While there is no treatment with foods as this is thought to be from bacteria, but its recommended to keep away from spicy, processed and fatty foods while having treatment. Introduce UMF Manuka Honey for antibacterial, look at eating whole and non processed foods.

Osmosis Beauty skin mapping: redness or inflammation directly under the nose or nostril area.

Osmosis holistic wellness protocol : 2 doses of Immune Defense Elixir; Recovery Prebiotic Elixir for a month; Skin Perfection Elixir


SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth) is another issue in your digestive system and as it suggests, it is an issue in the small intestine. This is where there is an abnormal growth of bacteria in the small intestine. This can happen when something causes your foods to slow down in the digestive tract which then can cause bacteria to grow.

Common digestive symptoms are

  • Nausea 10-15mins after eating

  • Bloating, fullness after eating

  • Diarrhea

  • Malnutrition

Treatment with foods: Looking at a SIBO low inflammation diet of reducing sugars that will help your digestive tract to heal and sometimes a FODMAP diet maybe needed depending on how bad the symptoms are. Strengthening your microbiome along with helping the body get rid of the bacteria will help ease symptoms.

Osmosis Beauty skin mapping: Redness or inflammation to the sides of nose - running in between the nose and cheek bone. from below eye socket to approximately the corner of mouth.

Osmosis holistic wellness protocol : 2 doses of Immune Defense Elixir; Recovery Prebiotic Elixir for a month; Skin Perfection Elixir; Rescue Serum


Leaky Gut Syndrome is a term that is being used more these days. Leaky gut is where the walls of the intestinal lining has developed holes in it allowing food particles, toxins and wastes slip through them into the bloodstream.

Common symptoms are:

  • Digestive: chronic diarrhea, constipation, bloating,

  • Wellness: headaches, fatigue, joint pain

Treatment with food: Low inflammation diet with less sugar, lectins and foods that will irritate your digestive lining. The key is to heal your lining so that you can look at introducing whole foods at a later date with no issues.

Osmosis Beauty skin mapping: Acne, inflammation or eczema on the forehead, outer checks

Osmosis holistic wellness protocol: Ageless Vitality Elixir; Recovery Prebiotic Elixir; Digestive Support; Joint Elixir; Rescue Serum; Remedy Mask


Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a well known digestive system issue, that now tends to be used to self diagnose widely but what is it actually. IBS is an issue that effects the large intestine. Causes can be from stress, changes in the personal gut microbiome over time, problems with your nervous system where the signals between brain and gut become distorted.

Common symptoms can be:

  • Skin: red or inflamed skin on outer cheek area, or around mouth

  • Diarrhea at night or can be up to 6-8 hours later

  • Rectal bleeding, stomach pain, cramping

  • Bowel appearance and frequency changes

Treatment with foods: The FODMAP elimination diet is a good one to start with for this treatment. It helps find the triggers, lessen the inflammation and heal. When doing this diet, it is not one to stay on for a long period of time as you will start to lose nutrition benefits with all food groups so once your body has healed, we need to start introducing food groups again at a slow place. It is always good when on a diet, to get a professional opinion.

Osmosis Beauty skin mapping: Upper cheek inflammation, chin and around mouth inflammation or irritation

Osmosis holistic wellness protocol: This is very individual so we look at the situation as a whole. Rescue Serum; Recovery Prebiotic Elixir


We all have our own microbiome and candida is actually apart of this ecosystem however over time things we consume can effect it such as medications, antibiotics, progesterone birth control, sugars, fried foods, citric foods and diary. These all can harm our friendly probiotics causing our candida to overgrow. This can start to purge in the skin and also cause many other digestive symptoms.

Common symptoms can be:

  • Bloating, diarrhea, digestive pain

  • Fatigue, brain fog, low mood

  • Reoccurring yeast infections, fungal infections

  • UTI

  • Sinus infections

Treatment with food: Candida Diet which is a cleanse of your colon, then looking at lessening sugars, fried foods, citric foods and dairy.

Osmosis Beauty skin mapping: Acne & inflammation around forehead, upper cheek, around mouth and chin.

Osmosis holistic wellness protocol: Skin Perfection Elixir; Recovery Prebiotic Elixir; Skin Clarifier Supplement; Digestive Support; Rescue Serum, Clarify Serum


Our digestive system is amazing and I have only touched on a few types of digestive issues that we can suffer from. We have to make sure we look at all tools to heap heal - doctor or specialists advice, blood tests, face mapping, holistic treatment and looking to make sure you have the correct treatment for the correct digestive issues. Don't diagnose yourself as there are many issues that can effect your digestive system and when looking at diet, its best to work alongside a nutritionist.

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